
  • 級職/現職:專案助理教授兼研發處實習就業輔導組組長
    名稱 期間 附檔
    Tzer-Long Chen, Chia-Hui Liu, Ya-Hui Ou, Yao-Min Huang and Zhen-Yu Wu,“An improved and efficient coercion-resistant measure for electronic voting system.”International Journal of Information Security" Vol.23, pp. 2637-2654, 2024.(SCI)2024 下載PDF檔案(2024-An Improved and Efficient Coercion-resistant Measure for Electronic Voting System.pdf)_另開視窗
    Chia-Mei Chen, Ze-Yu Lin,Ya-Hui Ou, and Jiunn-Wu Lin, (2024) " A Hybrid Malware Analysis Approach for Identifying Process-Injection Malware Based on Machine Learning", International Journal of Security and Networks.2024
    Chia-Mei Chen, Dan-Wei Wen, Ya-Hui Ou, Wei-Chih Chao, and Zheng-Xun Cai, (2021) "Retrieving Potential Cybersecurity Information from Hacker Forums", International Journal of Network Security.2021 下載PDF檔案(2021(JN)-Retrieving Potential Cybersecurity Information .pdf)_另開視窗
    Chia-Mei Chen, Wen-Ling Lo, Ya-Hui Ou, Gu-Hsin Lai, Tse-Yao Wang, (2018)"Application of Revised Ant Colony Optimization for Anomaly Detection Systems," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 241-247.(EI).2018 下載檔案()_另開視窗
    C. M. Chen, D. J. Guan, Y. Z. Hwang, and Y. H. Ou (2016, Apr). Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection Using Hidden Markov Model. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 569 – 580. (EI).2016
    C. M. Chen, J. J. Huang, Y. H. Ou (2015, Oct). Efficient Suspicious URL Filtering Based on Reputation. Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA), 20, pp. 26-36. (EI).2015
    陳嘉玫、林哲銘、歐雅惠、賴谷鑫(2015年,9月)。以汙染傳遞為基礎之行動軟體威脅行為偵測電子商務學報。電子商務學報(TSSCI)。2015 下載檔案()_另開視窗
    Chia-Mei Chen, Jhe-Jhun Huang, Ya-Hui Ou (2014, Oct). Detection Suspicious URL Filtering Based on Reputation. Journal of Information Security and Applications.2014
    C. M. Chen, M. Z. Huang, Y. H. Ou (2014, Apr). Detecting Hybrid Botnets with Web Command and Control Servers or Fast Flux Domain. Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing(JIHMSP) (EI).2014
    陳嘉玫、江玟璟、 歐雅惠(2014年,9月)。開放資料應用於行動惡意程式分析研究。電子商務研究期刊。2014
    Chao-Wei Chou, Chorng-Horng Yang, Jiann-Horng Lin, Hsien-Leing Tsai, Ya-Hui Ou, "Algorithms for Constructing Strongly Connected Dominating Set in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks", Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 311, pp. 87-92, 2013.02 (EI).2013
    Chia-Mei Chen, Jhe-Jhun Huang, Ya-Hui Ou, “ Detecting Web Attacks Based on Domain Statistics”, Intelligence and Security Informatics Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8039, 2013, pp 97-106.2013
    Gu-Hsin Lai, Chao-Wei Chou, Chia-Mei Chen and Ya-Hui Ou, “Anti-Spam Filter Based on Data Mining and Statistical Test”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 208, 2009. (EI).2009
    名稱 期間 附檔
    Chia-Mei Chen, Zheng-Xun Ca, Gu-Hsin Lai and Ya-Hui Ou, “An Intrusion Detection System for Heterogeneous OT- enabled Networks Using Hybrid Deep Learning Model”, The 29th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial.Intelligence, 2024.2024
    Chia-Mei Chen, Sheng-Hao Lin, Zheng-Xun Cai, Gu-Hsin Lai, and Ya-Hui Ou,“Identifying Vulnerable Third-party Components in IoT Firmware Using Deep Learning”, The First International Conference on IoT-AI(IoTAI 2024)2024
    Chia-Mei Chen, Chi-Hsuen Hsu, Zheng-Xun Cai, Gu-Hsin Lai and Ya-Hui Ou, “Improving the Performance of IIoT Intrusion Detection System Using Hybrid Synthetic Data”, The 19th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security(AsiaJCIS 2024), 2024.2024
    陳嘉玫、張孫杰、蔡政勳、歐雅惠、賴谷鑫(2024),運用自然語言處理挖掘新興網路威脅情資,CISC2024。 (最佳論文獎)2024
    陳嘉玫、簡哲銘、蔡政勳、歐雅惠、賴谷鑫(2024),基於資安事件紀錄分析攻擊趨勢以及關聯視覺化系統 ,智慧運算論壇(2024SCF)。 (最佳論文獎)2024
    姜佳宜、高翊婷、陳恩臨、詹惟安、歐雅惠、吳鎮宇(2024),FIDO技術對抗社交工程攻擊的挑戰與對策,ICIM 2024。2024
    Chia-Mei Chen, Sung-Yu Huang, Zheng-Xun Cai, Ya-Hui Ou, Jiunnwu Lin,“ Detecting Supply Chain Attacks with Unsupervised Learning”, ICASI 20232023
    陳嘉玫、康為傑、歐雅惠(2023),混合非監督式學習及風險分數偵測密碼猜測攻擊,CISC 2023 2023
    莊旺川、林俊吾、陳嘉玫、蔡政勳、歐雅惠(2023),使用HAIS-Q探討醫療院所工作者之資安意識, ICIM 20232023
    歐雅惠,陳嘉玫,林俊吾。利用 Stacked LSTM 模型偵測目標式攻擊,台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2022),2022.12。2022
    Chia-Mei Chen, Jing-Yun Kan, Ya-Hui Ou, Zheng-Xun Cai, and Allbert Guan, “Threat Action Extraction Using Information Retrieval”,11th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology(CCSIT 2021).2021
    陳嘉玫、黃崧育、賴谷鑫、歐雅惠 (2021年),基於Active Directory事件紀錄偵測系統,第31屆全國資訊安全會議(CISC2021)。2021
    Ya-Hui Ou, Yu-Hsin Yu, Yu-Xi Chen,and Zhen-Yu Wu,(2020) Attitudes of Single Parents and Children for EFL Co-Learning Schedules of Digital Picture Storybook,ACM International Conference on Intelligent and Its Emerging Applications.2020
    陳嘉玫、方俊傑、蔡政勳、官振傑、歐雅惠 (2021年),以文字探勘挖掘資安趨勢之研究,2021管理觀念與應用:總體環境不確定下之亞太企業管理。2021
    陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、蔡政勳、歐雅惠 (2020年),適用於快速資安事故回應之自動化數位鑑識系統,第30屆全國資訊安全會議(CISC2020)。2020
    Chia-Mei Chen, Wen-Ling Lo, Ya-Hui Ou, Gu-Hsin Lai, and Tse-Yao Wang, “Application of Revised Ant Colony Optimization for Anomaly Detection Systems”,The 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS2018), May, 2018.2018
    陳嘉玫、莊旺川、歐雅惠、 黃新智、 萬樹人、黃豐締(2018年),有效率暨公平之急診人員排班管理系統。第十七屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會(ITAOI2018)。2018
    陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、賴谷鑫、 張育涵(2017年)。運用雲端運算技術改善偵測網路攻擊之效能。全國資訊安全會議 (CISC 2017)。2017
    陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、賴谷鑫(2016年)利用約略集合理論折減特徵以偵測網路攻擊。全國資訊安全會議 (CISC 2016)。2016
    陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、賴谷鑫(2015年),基於隱含狄利克雷分布模型長時間追蹤多階段目標攻擊。2015Cyberspace 聯合研討會。2015
    Chia-Mei Chen, P. Y. Yang, Y. H. Ou, H. W. Hsia (2014, May). Targeted Attack Prevention at Early Stage. SMPE 2014.2014
    郭振忠、歐雅惠、劉奕賢、王子夏、郭鎮穎、陳嘉玫、李忠憲、林輝堂、楊竹星, 網路威脅搜捕、分析、追蹤與過濾技術之研究, 2014Cyberspace「雲端服務應用、安全與稽核」研討會。 (最佳論文獎)2014
    陳嘉玫、賴谷鑫、歐雅惠(2014年05月)。IPv6 網路環境威脅以及偵測工具之研究。第四屆網路智能與應用研討會。2014
    Chia-Mei Chen, Han-Wei Hsiao, Peng-Yu Yang, and Ya-Hui Ou, “Defending Malicious Attacks in Cyber Physical Systems”, The 1st IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Natworks, Applications(CPSNA 2013), August 2013.2013
    Chia-Mei Chen, Jhe-Jhun Huang, Ya-Hui Ou, “Drive-By Download Attack Detection using Domain Statistics”, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics(PAISI 2013), August 2013.2013
    陳嘉玫、江玟璟、 歐雅惠(2013年),開放資料應用於行動惡意程式分析研究。2013 Open data 學術研討會。2013
    Chia-Mei Chen, D. J. Guan, Y.-Z. Huang, and Ya-Hui Ou , “Attack Sequence Detection in Cloud Using Hidden Markov Model,” The Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2012), IEEE Computer Society press, August 2012.2012
    Chao-Wei Chou, Jiann-Horng Lin, Chorng-Horng Yang, Hsien-Leing Tsai, Ya-Hui Ou: Constructing a Markov Chain on Particle Swarm Optimizer. IBICA 2012, pp.13-18, 2012.2012
    Chia-Mei Chen, Ya-Hui Ou , J.-J. Huang, “Detecting Web Attacks Based on Domain Reputation,” The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computing and Security (ICCS), July 2012.2012
    Chia-Mei Chen and Ya-Hui Ou , “Secure Mechanism for Mobile Web Browsing,” IEEE ICPADS 2011 Joint Workshop on Network and System Security, Dec. 2011.2011
    陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、黃銘宗,“偵測具有動態網域特性的殭屍網路,”第二十一屆資訊安全會議, 2011。2011
    Chia-Mei Chen, Ya-Hui Ou , and Y-C Tsai, “Web Botnet Detection Based on Flow Information,” ICS 2010 International Computer Symposium, December 16-18, 2010.2010
    陳嘉玫、歐雅惠、林士棻,“行動裝置安全瀏覽網頁之機制,” IMP 2010 第十六屆資訊管理暨實務研討會,2010。2010
    Gu-Hsin Lai, Chao-Wei Chou, Chia-Mei Chen, Ya-Hui Ou “Anti-Spam Filter Based on Data Mining and Statistical Test”, 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2009), June 1-3, 2009.2009
    周照偉、歐雅惠,”利用統計檢定與柏拉圖最佳化提升垃圾郵件過濾效能”, 2009 資訊技術應用及管理研討會。 (最佳論文獎)2009
    周照偉、陳柏宏、歐雅惠, “以多目標最佳化探討基地台佈置問題”,2008年民生電子研討會(2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics)。2008
    周照偉、侯雍聰、歐雅惠、姜威宇、許丕榮、陳嘉玫、陳柏宏, "在強連通異質無線感測網路中建置強連通CDS之演算法," The Fourth Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and sensor Networks (WASN 2008)2008
    周照偉、康家偉、陳柏宏、歐雅惠,“在UDG中建構CDS的著色式分散演算法”, 2008數位科技與創新管理研討會。2008